
Altimeter : an apparatus used in aircraft for measuring altitudes
Accumulator : used for storing electrical energy
Amplifier helps to increase the strength of electrical signals 
Ammeter : used to measure Electric current
Anemometer : instrument for measuring the force and velocity of wind
Audiometer : an instrument to measure intensity of so
Audiophone : an instrument required to amplify sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing
Barograph : for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure
Barometer is an apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure
Calorimeter : an instrument used for measuring quantities of heat
Cardiogram a medical instrument used for tracing heart movements
Commutator : split ring which forms the main part of a D.C. Dynamo
Crescograph : is an instrument for recording growth of plants
Dynamo : to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
Electroenceph : It is the technique of recording and interpreting the electrical alograph (EEG) activity of the brain
Epidiascope : for projecting films as well as images of opaque particles on a screen
Eudiometer It is a glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases
Electroscope : to detect the presence of electric charge
Fathometer : an instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean
G.M. Counter : This special device is used for detecting the presence of radiation (Geiger Muller and counting certain atomic particles Counter)
Gravimeter : an instrument for recording measurement under water 
Gyroscope : an instrument used to illustrate dynamics of rotating bodies
Hydrometer : an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids
Hydrophone : an instrument used for recording sound underwater
Hygrometer : an instrument used for measuring humidity in air
Hydroscope : shows the changes in atmospheric humidity
Hypsometer : measures the boiling point of liquids Inverter used to convert dc into ac
Lactometer : an apparatus used for measuring the purity of milk
Nanometer : for determining the pressure of a gas
Mariner's : an apparatus which is used to guide the sailors. The needle always compass points north south
Micrometer : an instrument used for converting sound i,e, fraction of the lowest division of a given scale
Microphone : an instrument used for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations
Microscope : an Instrument which is used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system
Microtome : used for cutting an object into thin parts for microscopic inspection
Odometer : an instrument by virtue of which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is recorded 
Oscillator : convert dc into ac
Phonograph : an instrument used for reproducing sound
Potentiometer: used for comparing the e.m.f
Psychrdmeteri : an of the atmosphere
Pyrometer : an instrument for recording high temperature from a great distance
Rheostat : used to adjust resistance
Resistor : used flow of electric current
Rain Gauge : an apparatus for recording of rainfall at a particular place
Radiometer : an instrument for mesuring the emission of radiant energy
Refractometer : an Instrument to measure refractive indices
Saccharimeter : an instrument for determining the amount of sugar in a solution
Seismometer or Seismograph : an instrument used for ing earthquake shocks
Spectometer :  An instrument for measuring the energy distribution Of a particular type of radiation
Speedometer :  an instrument which indicates  speed at which a vehicle is moving
Spherometer : an instrument for measuring curvature of surfaces 
Sphygmophone : an instrument, with the help of which a pulse beat makes a sound
Sphygmophone : an instrument by virtue of which , arterial pulsations become visible
Stereoscope : to view two dimensional images
Stereoscope : an instrument to hear and analyse movements of heart and lungs
Stop watch : for recording small intervals of time in the laboratory, in races and other events.
Storeoscope : an instrument for viewing objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and see them as If they were at rest.
Tachometer : an instrument for determining speeds of aeroplanes and motor boats
Tonometer : measure the internal pressure of the eye
Transducer : converts sound signal into an electrical signal, or vice versa.
Transformer : an electrical device that transfers electrical energ between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction
Teleprinter : an instrument which prints automatically messages sent from one place to another on telegraph lines
Theodolite : an instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles
Termometer : an instrument based on theremo-electricity used for measuring temperatures
Thermometer : an apparatus used for measuring temperature
Thermostat : an Instrument used to regulate the temperature to a particular degree
Viscometer : an instrument to measure viscosity
Voltmeter : used to measure potential difference
Wattmeter :  to measure the power of an electric current
Calorimeter : used for measuring the heat of chemical reactions